Thursday, March 4, 2010


Okay...Well here it is, another day. I made it through my first semester of college!!! And with a 3.7 GPA...not bad! Second semester is not going as well, but it's okay. I am aproved again for my surgery. We will set the date in a couple days!!

Seth....IDK we are the same ole same ole. Nothing really had changed. I just choose not to notice most the time. Bubby is in school and loving it, though he is sick right now with a bad fever. Bean is...well Bean is Bean. Snotty, stuck up, don't listen, gives me big kisses and sings to me kinda girl! lol She is great. that one needs it's own post..I'll get to it after my homework is done. He is my girl and I as madly in love with her as I ever was. She is coming to stay the weekend. I am nervous, but it will be the best to get to have her in my arms again.

And that is about it for now. I got a test I gotta take.. And gotta get back in the swing of life.