Monday, October 19, 2009

Girls are to confusing

Yeah so Zero lasted a total of 20 minutes. It was all for sex, but it's okay I wasn't surprised. Story came over this weekend! Seth went and stayed at my sisters house and my sister came and stayed with me and Story for the night. It was okay. There is really nothing to do at my house so it's kinda boring. We did a complete walk through of the house smudging and blessing it. I think whatever was here is gone, it feels a lot better already. We were supposed to do a spell and banish it from the house but by the time the kids got to sleep I don't think Story felt up to it. Plus the youngest were a bit restless.
An old friend of hers came online and we spent most the night talking to him. It kinda sucks. I want nothing more than to get t o be close to her and when I have her there is someone else. We talked to him online most the night and he called and talked to her on the phone for a couple hours. It's a confusing spot to be in. I love her and she deserves to be happy. And it so nice to see her smile and be all giggly. She says she is that way with me, but she's not. I mean we laugh and we have a good time. But she has never gotten all giggly and smiley like she did while she was on the phone.
She knew how I felt. She always does. And then she felt bad and guilt and all this. I told her the truth. She is stuck in an unhappy marriage and stuck in the house with kids all day. She deserves to be happy, even if it's not me that can make her happy. She started telling me how much she loves me and that if things were different she would be with me. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then she kept repeating it. We finally went to bed me on my side and her on her side. I was to afraid to even hold her.
The kids went to church Sunday and her and I talked. I asked why she kept saying that, but every time she would start to answer me a kid would interrupt or my sister would come in. Finally they left and we talked. I told ehr I didn't know if she was saying it just to reassure me or if she was telling me without tell me that we couldn't be any more than friends. She said both.
I just don't know what to do with this information. When she got her I took a shower and she washed my hair for me and we kissed and it was so sweet and intimate and then she says this. What do I do with this. I tried to get her to explain better but it didn't happen and I didn't want to her that she only wanted to be friends so I changed the subject and didn't listen. But I am so fucking confused....She doesn't want to be with me because of her situation. And she doesn't want to get close like that again cause she doesn't want to get hurt or have to risk pushing me again. Fucking Seth....Everything was perfect until he ruined it. I hate him. He has to take away everything good I have.
So in the end I don't where things are now. She says we can't be more than friends, but she loves me more than a friend. I don't get it. All I have ever tried to do is love her and let her know that someone cares.
I don't get it..I know I keep saying that, but it's true...I don't. And it's not a matter of sex. Not at all. I love how intimate things can be when there isn't any. I could love her the rest of my life without sex being an issue. I don't think she realizes what I'd do for her.